Lehigh Valley with Love Podcast: Episode 018 (IronPigs Announcer and Some Poop)

We talk about some road rage pooping…

More importantly, we talk with Doug Heater of Service Electric about the IronPigs!

The Podcast is currently available on iTunesGoogle PlayStitcher, and Pocket Casts.

As always, you can listen to the podcast directly on our website and insert it into your favorite player via our podcast feed.

This episode features the Song “Goodbye Syndrome” by Sunsets North. (www.sunsetsnorth.com)

Lehigh Valley with Love Podcast: Episode 014 (Danny Tamberelli)

Danny Tamberelli, of Pete and Pete fame, joins us for a special Mother’s Day episode of the Podcast. Danny talks about his recent wedding at SteelStacks, what he loves about the Lehigh Valley, how Musikfest snubbed him, and where his uncle saw a ghost in Bethlehem. A big thank you to Danny for taking time to come on!

Be sure to check out his bands, Jounce and the Undone Sweaters.

The Podcast is currently available on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and Pocket Casts.

As always, you can listen to the podcast directly on our website and insert it into your favorite player via our podcast feed.

This episode features the Song “Goodbye Syndrome” by Sunsets North. (www.sunsetsnorth.com)

Lehigh Valley with Love Podcast: Episode 010

We also touch base with Farzad, owner of Human Vs. Room, an escape room in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.
We’re currently available on iTunesGoogle PlayStitcher, and Pocket Casts and you can listen to the podcast directly on our website and insert it into your favorite player via our podcast feed.
This episode features the Song “Goodbye Syndrome” by Sunsets North. (http://www.sunsetsnorth.com/)

Lehigh Valley with Love Episode 006

In this episode we discuss St. Patrick’s Day shenanigans throughout the Lehigh Valley, our surprising appearance on a podcast panel, and a weird kidnapping that might not be a kidnapping.

We’re currently available on iTunesGoogle PlayStitcher, and Pocket Casts and you can listen to the podcast directly on our parent company website and insert it into your favorite player via our podcast feed.

This episode features the Song “Goodbye Syndrome” by Sunsets North. (http://www.sunsetsnorth.com/)

Lehigh Valley with Love Podcast: Episode 003

In this episode, Tyler tells the story of a couple who met on a Yahoo! chat room, we take a look at “ghosting”, and we give an update on our “Taco Wars” video shoot and upcoming Comedy Show on March 1 at The Ice House.

This episode features the Song “Goodbye Syndrome” by Sunsets North. (http://www.sunsetsnorth.com/)

What’s Your Finstagram? You Have a Finstagram, Right?

You’ll never keep up with all of the social media trends. No one will. It’s not something anyone should be tasked with or expected to do, to be honest. Besides, once a solid social media trend can be identified, it’s already old and worn out by the time it gets around to mainstream media outlets (See: List Articles.)

So, now that you feel at least a little bit better knowing that you’re not the only person, including social media professionals, who aren’t up on the latest social media trends, let’s give ou a new one: Finstagrams.

Christmas Tree Toss for Charity Returns to Bethlehem

The popular Bethlehem Christmas Toss for Charity will be held on December 16 at 11 a.m. at More Miles Automotive, 1458 Stefko Blvd., Bethlehem, PA.

The original event was first held in 2002 when then Meineke Car Care owner Peter Kearns challenged Mike DeCrosta, currently of More Miles Automotive, to a contest. The resulting yearly tradition became something of a bizarre, but wildly popular, way to celebrate the holiday season. Peter Kearns passed away in 2016.

5 Ways Social Media Will Change in the Lehigh Valley in 2016

The Lehigh Valley is home to anywhere between 700,000 and 850,000 depending on your interpretation of where the valley begins and ends. Trust us, that’s not an argument you actually care to take up on social media. So, let’s just agree that it’s more than 700,000 and less than 900,000.

Regardless, it’s a lot of people. The Lehigh Valley is the largest growing area in the state and one of the largest on the East Coast. We’re totally popular and cool and it’s time to start acting like it.

This article isn’t about sentiments, but it’s time to start getting over the whole “The Lehigh Valley is boring” and “There aren’t any jobs” and “We need to go to NYC or Philly to find true innovation” examples.

Simply put, and with examples you can easily find yourself, the Lehigh Valley is an area that has every right to be on the cutting edge of social media innovation. So, that being said, here are a few ways you can expect social media in the area to change as we go through 2016 and beyond.