The #1 Lehigh Valley Foods-tagram Contest presented by The Flying Egg is…

The #1 Lehigh Valley Foods-tagram Contest presented by The Flying Egg is…@lehighvalleyeats!

Thank you to everyone who voted! It was a very tight race to the finish and we also have to give credit to our runners up as well!

1st runner-up

2nd runner up

3rd runner up

Thanks to everyone who gets out there and posts these amazing (and delicious) posts!!! Keep it comin’.


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5 Things NOT To Do on Your Business Instagram Account

Halfway through 2018, Instagram has become perhaps the number two most important social media account for most small businesses behind Facebook.

Why’s that? Well, while Facebook still has the overall user base advantage, Instagram is the current “hip” platform among millennials and those making purchasing decisions. I could go through a whole litany of reasons why Instagram’s current iteration is better than Snapchat for a small business (including ease of sharing content between platforms), but just trust me when I say it’s as close to a “must have” social media account as your business may ever see.

That being said, here are a few things NOT to do on Instagram that may be harming your current reach.

What’s Your Finstagram? You Have a Finstagram, Right?

You’ll never keep up with all of the social media trends. No one will. It’s not something anyone should be tasked with or expected to do, to be honest. Besides, once a solid social media trend can be identified, it’s already old and worn out by the time it gets around to mainstream media outlets (See: List Articles.)

So, now that you feel at least a little bit better knowing that you’re not the only person, including social media professionals, who aren’t up on the latest social media trends, let’s give ou a new one: Finstagrams.

Instagram Launches Automatic Spam and Offensive Comments Filter for Your Accounts

Spam is annoying, but, we always like to look at comments flooding beneath your pictures as a sign that you’re doing something right. I mean, people are taking notice of your content.

Of course, that superficial flattery really only lasts so long until you’re pulling out your hair over having to get rid of spammy or offensive comments.

Hey, Instagram to the rescue!

Instagram’s New Updates Emulate Snapchat

Instagram will begin rolling out an update that will add some very Snapchat-like features in coming weeks.

Of course, Instagram isn’t saying publicly that they are copying one of Snapchat’s best features, but they are. And, hey, there’s nothing inherently wrong with that. Social media platforms have always borrowed ideas from each other in an effort to stay relevant.