This year, however, things were a bit different. With social distancing measures in place at the Bethlehem Mounted Police Stables on Langhorne Ave, and a limited group, the Tree Toss went virtual this year, raising a record $2,690 for Turning Point of the Lehigh Valley.
People can still donate at this link.
Bethlehem Mounted Police Officer Albert Strydesky threw a ceremonial tree while riding Horse Officer Casper. The throw was captured in a livestream held on Lehigh Valley with Love’s Facebook page. It can be viewed at this link.
Officer Strydesky’s throw measured 17.5 feet and one lucky viewer went home with a $100 prize for being the closest guess. The winner donated the money back to the charity.

The original event was first held in 2002 when then Meineke Car Care owner Peter Kearns challenged Mike DeCrosta, currently of More Miles Automotive, to a contest. The resulting yearly tradition became something of a bizarre, but wildly popular, way to celebrate the holiday season. Peter Kearns passed away in 2016.
The event originally ended in 2013 after Kearns retired, but was revived in 2015 at the behest of fans and former participants.
Mike Decrosta of More Miles Automotive and George Wacker, owner of Lehigh Valley with Love Media, have worked to host the event each year.
About Lehigh Valley with Love Media
Lehigh Valley with Love Media is a boutique, full-service digital, social, video, and marketing media firm located in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. In addition to serving its clients with the latest marketing strategies, Lehigh Valley with Love Media is also dedicated to organizing and operating charity events throughout the area.
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