Hidden Bethlehem with Touchstone Theatre
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We talk with Matt Prideaux of Touchstone Theatre about Hidden Bethlehem, a part of the upcoming Festival Unbound.
Do you know of a hidden gem, item, or location in Bethlehem and want to share it for sake of community art and theatre? Then click this link: www.touchstone.org/festival_unbound/hidden-bethlehem/
“WHAT IS HIDDEN BETHLEHEM? A chance for anyone in our community to shine a spotlight on the places and people in Bethlehem that they believe deserve to be seen and appreciated. There is a lot in Bethlehem that people love and frequent, but there are some truly wonderful places and people that not enough folks know about – share them with us!
Do you know a place in Bethlehem that you feel goes unseen? A person who brings joy to those around them, and who makes their neighborhood a little bit better everyday? Do you have a hidden talent that you want the world to know about? Tell us about somewhere or someone that you feel is overlooked or under-appreciated.”