Hey, quick break from our regular news of people pooping their pants while drunk driving to bring you some fun news!
Did you know that police officers are actually pretty cool people most of the time?
Just sayin.
Bethlehem resident Arexis Thorres posted the video on Facebook with this caption:
Esta official del la policia de Bethlehem, PA se detuvo y comenso a jugar con los niños y les mostro el vehiculo. Los niños estaban muy emocionados. Creo que esta official se merece 2 o 3 LIKE!!!! por el gran ejemplo que le enseño a la comunidad.
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This official of the police of Bethlehem, pa stopped and started to play with the kids and showed them the vehicle. The children were very excited. I think this official deserves 2 OR 3 LIKE!!!! For the great example that I teach him to the community.
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